pst to mbox

Convert PST to MBOX Mac Through a Free Trial Version of “PST Extractor Pro” by USL Software!

Convert PST to MBOX Mac

If you are looking to convert PST to MBOX in Mac using a free trial version, give “PST Extractor Pro” from USL Software a shot. It’s available in free and paid editions. Where free trial version lets you check out everything. So you are confident about its potential before activating the full version.

And that’s the best way to try out any software. If you are curious about the features of “PST Extractor Pro,” download it now. You will get much better view of how it works in action.

Convert PST to MBOX Mac

But if you don’t want to do that just yet, the rest of the post is for you. It talks in brief about some of its best features . And how you can use them to convert PST to MBOX in Mac.

Convert PST to MBOX with Mac compatible tool

So, first of all, it is the only Mac compatible tool. And therefore, have a lot of benefits in comparison with all other tools that are for Windows. Since PST is a Windows Outlook file, most developers go the easy route by creating data extraction algorithms for Windows, and that actually does make sense in a traditional way. But then, the PST files have to be converted into MBOX, which is primarily a Mac email client file. And that’s where the trouble starts brewing.

USL Software managed all the complexities of this process and put out the best algorithms into the tool that can be used in Mac environment.

Now let’s see how you can use it:

Thanks to the simple interface, the actual process of converting PST to MBOX Mac is fairly straightforward. Load PST files by clicking on “Add PST,” browsing to the location where you have saved the files and by selecting them à Check/tick the folders you want to convert à Set the output file format as “MBOX” (since the tool allows you to convert PST to other formats too) à Check the other available options/setting and set them accordingly à Click “Convert”.

When this simple process comparison with other ordinary solutions, it becomes even more impressive. “PST Extractor Pro” simplifies an otherwise too tedious and time-consuming into just few clicks.

convert pst to mbox

Here are some more of the features:

  • You can also select a folder containing multiple PST files and convert all those files to MBOX in a single attempt. This batch conversion support helps you save a lot of time that otherwise any other converter wouldn’t.
  • The tool automatically converts the contacts and calendar data into VCF and ICS files respectively, that are standard formats for storing those kinds of information and can be used with Mac email client, Thunderbird, and more.
  • You can also choose to convert them from a single folder into a single file as opposed to converting each entry into a separate file.
  • Save the read and unread emails into different folders in MBOX files
  • You can limit the size of output MBOX files. So the tool doesn’t output PST extracted contents into overly large MBOX files. When the overall size of PST files is huge, the tool will convert your data into multiple MBOX files and each file would be limited to the size you specify as maximum.

Download to convert PST to MBOX Mac

You can download the setup here:

Double click on the setup file, follow through the instructions to install it, and you can start converting in no time.

Related Readings:

To convert PST to MBOX Mac , try PST Extractor Pro today.

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