One of the most common conversion processes to be carried around the world is OLM to PST conversion. Moving your data from OLM files to PST files is one of the tasks that is on almost everyone’s to do list. This movement of data is not easy. It is technical in nature, involves a lot of risk and cannot be just carried out by anybody.
Well not without the right conversion solution to help you. Converting your data from one format to another is more about the solutions you choose to carry out the process. Once you have found the right conversion solution, then it’s all in its hand. You need to be very careful about the conversion solution you choose for your conversion process. This article will help you in looking for the best conversion solution possible. Read on to find out.
Things you should be looking for in an OLM to PST conversion solution
Features like accuracy, speed and ease are what every conversion solution should have. They are the most commonly requested features by the users. In fact, they are the backbone of any conversion solution. This might be common knowledge but not a common sight.
Most conversion solutions fail to provide you with the generic features required for a proper conversion process. This might seem odd, but it simplifies the process of choosing the right conversion solution. Third-party converter tools provide you with these features and narrow down your selection process. These modern software applications are designed to get the better of your OLM to PST conversion.
Finding the right third-party converter tool can solve your problems forever. These applets or applications handle modern day databases well. And there is one converter tool that sits on the top of the pile.
Mail Passport Pro: Making your choices easier
There are a number of third-party converter tools present in the market. Mail Passport Pro by Gladwev Software sits on the top of the pile. The tool is a monster when it comes to OLM to PST conversion.
It can also convert Mac Mail, Thunderbird, Entourage, Postbox, MBOX and EML to PST file format.
The feature list of the tool consists of the generic features i.e., accuracy, speed and ease along with some exceptional features. All of them gelled together give you the perfect conversion solution. The features that the tool provides include:
Maintaining the folder structure isn’t hard:
Messed up folder structure post OLM to PST conversion process is a common occurrence with substandard conversion solutions. The output files often messed up structures which makes it harder for you to navigate through them. This tool retains the folder structure from the input file during the conversion process. This gives your file a more familiar feel and makes your post conversion operations easier to carry out.
Bulk Conversion is the way to go:
The tool allows you to convert more than a single file in a given cycle. This is known as Bulk Conversion. By allowing you to convert multiple files at once, the tool enhances the efficiency of the conversion process. This approach doesn’t make sacrifices on any other front of the application. Thus, you get the best conversion process possible.
Get your hands on the free trial version of the tool today and take your OLM to PST conversion to the next level.
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